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What is the date of Tithi of Srimatna Sankardev in 2024?

Tithi of Srimatna Sankardev Day is on Thursday, August 22, 2024 in India.

Brief Information

  • This year:Thursday, August 22, 2024
  • Next year:Thursday, August 22, 2024
  • Last year:Friday, August 18, 2023
  • Type:Regional Holiday

Holidays in India in 2024

Holidays in India in 2025

Tithi of Srimatna Sankardev 2024 in India

Tithi of Srimatna Sankardev Day, which is observed on August 22, signifies the commencement of the year in the Gregorian calendar and it's a Regional Holiday in many countries.

Is Tithi of Srimatna Sankardev a Regional Holiday in India?

Yes, Tithi of Srimatna Sankardev is a Regional Holiday in India. A regional holiday is a day off designated by a specific region or local jurisdiction within a country. Unlike national holidays, which are observed nationwide, regional holidays are specific to a particular area or state. These holidays may be based on local traditions, historical events, or cultural significance relevant to that specific region. As a result, the observance of regional holidays can vary from one area to another within a country.

New Year Observances days

YearDayDateHoliday NameComments
2018TuesdaySeptember 11Tithi of Srimatna SankardevAssam only
2019MondaySeptember 02Tithi of Srimatna SankardevAssam only
2020ThursdayAugust 20Tithi of Srimatna SankardevAssam only
2021WednesdaySeptember 08Tithi of Srimatna SankardevAssam only
2022MondayAugust 29Tithi of Srimatna SankardevAssam only
2023FridayAugust 18Tithi of Srimatna SankardevAssam only

National Language of India

  • Name:Hindi
  • Native:हिन्दी
  • Code:hi
  • Name:English
  • Native:English
  • Code:en

Country Information of India

  • Name:India
  • Capital:New Delhi
  • Country Code:IN
  • Emoji:🇮🇳
  • Phone code:91
  • Unicode:U+1F1EE U+1F1F3
  • Currency:INR
  • Currency Symbol: