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What is the date of Teej (Hari-talika) in 2024?

Teej (Hari-talika) Day is on Monday, September 2, 2024 in India.

Brief Information

  • This year:Monday, September 2, 2024
  • Next year:Monday, September 2, 2024
  • Last year:Monday, September 2, 2024
  • Type:Regional Holiday

Holidays in India in 2024

Holidays in India in 2025

Teej (Hari-talika) 2024 in India

Teej (Hari-talika) Day, which is observed on September 2, signifies the commencement of the year in the Gregorian calendar and it's a Regional Holiday in many countries.

Is Teej (Hari-talika) a Regional Holiday in India?

Yes, Teej (Hari-talika) is a Regional Holiday in India. A regional holiday is a day off designated by a specific region or local jurisdiction within a country. Unlike national holidays, which are observed nationwide, regional holidays are specific to a particular area or state. These holidays may be based on local traditions, historical events, or cultural significance relevant to that specific region. As a result, the observance of regional holidays can vary from one area to another within a country.

New Year Observances days

YearDayDateHoliday NameComments
2022SundaySeptember 18Teej (Hari-talika)Women only

National Language of India

  • Name:Hindi
  • Native:हिन्दी
  • Code:hi
  • Name:English
  • Native:English
  • Code:en

Country Information of India

  • Name:India
  • Capital:New Delhi
  • Country Code:IN
  • Emoji:🇮🇳
  • Phone code:91
  • Unicode:U+1F1EE U+1F1F3
  • Currency:INR
  • Currency Symbol: